/Hi! Happy 2024. I’m currently on a little social media break, but being away always gives me more time to blog and write - a huge passion of mine.
The Outfits.
I am so excited to finally share all about my journey towards a part time career in education. This post has been a long time coming. First things first, I have LOVED finally having a reason to wear the clothes in my closet. If you were around for my 30 day “shop my closet” challenge late last year, it helped me realize that I do have clothes that never get worn, because I find myself in leggings or sweats every day since I work from home. It’s been fun to shop my closet and find outfits to wear to school! Here are pics from my first 14 days in the classroom. And yes…in case you’re wondering…it’s been so HARD sneaking pics of myself before the kids arrive, and I’ve been terrified I’m gonna get caught taking a selfie from another adult. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL #IYKYK I’ve gotten really good at resting my phone against my water cup and taking a pic quickly. ;)
ALL ITEMS ABOVE ARE LINKED HERE: (simply click on the item number and description. Please note these are affiliate links, and I do receive a small percentage. Thank you for supporting us in this way!)
The Story.
I remember being a little girl, lining up all of my Lisa Frank stationery, and acting like I was a teacher with my Barbie dolls sitting so quietly and patiently. I was an only child, so being creative with my barbies, Lisa Frank + Sanrio, Saved by the Bell reruns and a handmade dollhouse from my sweet daddy, kept me occupied until sports took over my life. But the dream of teaching began in those innocent Barbie moments. It was either teaching, sports broadcasting, or becoming a meteorologist. I knew I’d be one someday.
Fast forward to 2010. I graduated with a B.S. in Math from Auburn, and I honestly never thought I’d use anything I learned after 5 grueling years of studying all about differential equations, algebraic topology, and real analysis. That was because my life took a huge turn during college when I joined ROTC at Seton Hall and Auburn, and eventually commissioned into the Army as an Aviator. I clearly embarked on none of those aforementioned career paths. Yet little did I know that two amazing little girls would come into my life and pull me away from a career of flying for the military. Do I miss it? Yes…but I have absolutely zero regrets. I’ll never regret the last 6 years I’ve spent by their sides, while also being able to support my husband as he continues to serve and fly.
In 2017 I started The Ever Co, and in 2018 we launched our first apparel line in our online store. Being able to work at home with a full time job, while also being able to attend my kids’ school meetings and take them to doctors appointments + therapies was a dream come true. Don’t get me wrong…the balance was (and is) tough. Hence my social media breaks. It’s where I find my peace in the absence of technology and online hustle. But I would be naive not to admit that it is that very technology and hustle that’s allowed me to stay home with my girls. So for that, I’m endlessly grateful.
As thankful as I am…I realized a few years ago that selling clothes was not my endgame. As much as I loved and adored creating holiday apparel for your littles, and as much as I beamed with joy seeing your littles (and you) dawning them for your memory making adventures…I’ve known for quite some time that my heart just wasn’t fully in it. More on that at another time, but I’ve always said that if I lost the passion for something, I wouldn’t keep doing it just for the money.
So in 2019 I started praying for a different path, and that’s when it all started to make a little more sense. (Ironically…2019 was also the most money we ever made. It was a massively profitable year for us…but if that doesn’t show that money doesn’t buy happiness, I don’t know what does.)
In 2020 I took a 6 month social media break and really leaned into my thoughts on how I could continue growing and sustaining the business online, while also being as present and content as possible offline with my family and friends. Yet for the next 3 years I continued to sell clothes, because I was scared to step away.
This is a very sped up version of this story, but fast forward to 2023…I finally admitted all of this to you, our community. I said I’d be stepping away from clothing sales and all of the income that came with a successful clothing business, to lean into my deep desires to be more involved with education and the kids of future generations.
In summer of 2023 (after a VERY LONG hiring process and some things that slowed me down in my personal life….more on that in the future) I was hired by our county, and finally this month (January 2024) I actually started working. I planned to start subbing in August, but I instead took the last 5 months to ensure my heart and mind were ready before stepping into a classroom. I didn’t want to bring my personal life struggles into the school. I wanted to ensure I was fully ready.
So now here we are. I’ve been in 13 different classrooms at 6 different schools! I can genuinely say I know this is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing in this season of life. The conversations I’ve had with kids, the lessons I’ve taught, the teacher interactions I’ve shared, the hugs I’ve been given from students that were strangers just eight hours prior…it’s all exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. I THINK I LIKE THIS LITTLE LIFE.
What’s next?
I’m gonna keep subbing for now. I’m working 2-3 days a week in Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth. I’ve also realized that I LOVEEEEE working with the special needs kids in the Multiple Disabilities classrooms. I think that’s my sweet spot. I owe so much of that passion to being so involved with my daughter’s therapies + IEPs over the last 6 years, and being highly involved in my youngest daughter’s inclusion class last year. Inclusion classrooms get a bad rap, and I hope I can help erase that stigma. There is SO MUCH beauty, empathy, and understanding found in those classrooms. Those kids truly just need and want to be loved the same. I love inclusion classes. I’ll always accept those positions first before any others.
The Balance and my Schedule.
Working part time, 2-3 days a week, allows me to still do a lot for our business while also maintaining my responsibilities as wife and mama. I love the balance I’ve found in this season.
Here’s what my daily schedule looks like on the days that I sub:
5:00 wake up, coffee, read devotionals, and watch news
6:00 shower and dress
6:30 get kids dressed, fed, and their bags/lunches packed
7:00 finish getting ready and packing my bag / lunch
7:50 out the door
4:30 home and relax + read 50 pages of my current book while I unwind with the kids from school. They get to watch a show together after school while I read.
5:30 start dinner prep and kids do homework ***caveat that this is allll based on it being a non activity day i.e. no gymnastics and no soccer; things are about to get really hectic for us when spring soccer starts back up, so this routine will likely change***
6:00 dinner and family time (card games or just quality time)
7:00 lift weights while kids play
7:30 shower
8:00 kids to bed, respond to any work emails or personal emails and texts, then watch a show with Blake or read next to each other on the couch.
9:30 Blake and I head to bed. We are asleep by 10 every night.
On the days that I don’t sub, I go on a long run or 5 mile walk and listen to podcasts, run errands, clean the house, and shoot any content that needs to be done. (During sub days, I typically eat lunch and listen to podcasts at the teacher’s desk unless I want to meet some other teachers in the workroom. But I’ve learned that I LOVE a quiet dark classroom and a mind break mid day to reset for the afternoon.) I’m still learning how to get through the day without an afternoon coffee. At home, I typically hit a slump around 1-2 and make another iced coffee, but I don’t have that luxury at school. I’m trying hard to not have to take another cup of coffee to school, but we’ll see if I can keep that up. I’ve also realized it’s hard to drink a lot of water at school because I then have to pee a LOT. That’s all still a work in progress.
Here are some other things I’ve learned / My personal thoughts:
Subs don’t get paid enough. It is NOT easy stepping into a class of students who don’t know you and who you don’t know. Even more…teachers REALLYYYYY don’t get paid enough. Like how is it like this in 2024?!? Let’s just say I’m definitely not in this biz for the money.
Wearing comfortable clothes and shoes is so key to a more relaxing day. I LOVE getting dressed for the day now and finding cute, trendy, clothes that the kids will love, find colorful, and bring them joy. Jeans are generally okay, but I like wearing colorful baggy high waisted pants to keep me comfy. I also love wearing fun bright shoes and funky socks too. The kids love them. Andddd it’s also nice that since I work in so many different schools, I never need to worry about repeating an outfit too quickly hehe.
I love brushing my teeth mid day after eating lunch at school. It gives me a little boost of energy. Weird? Idk.
Prepping lunches is actually really fun because I know how much I look forward to eating it come lunchtime. I’m such a snacker…so getting through the day until lunch is tough! Gum and mints have been my best friend.
Subbing has made me more confident. I never thought I’d be unconfident in front of a bunch of 6,7,8, and 9 year olds….but here we are. But every time I’m in there…I find my voice more and more. Nothing like being in front of VERY HONEST little ones, and strangers at that, to make you put on your big girl pants. ;)
Finding the schools you love, the teachers you love, and the areas you love is key. If you love the school you’re working at and the teachers you’re working for, it’s so much more enjoyable!
Teachers are DESPERATE for good subs who they can trust and who will stick to their lesson plans. They want people to love on their kiddos the way they do. Be that person for them. Leave them notes about how amazing their kids are when you can.
I love seeing how different each teacher is in the way they leave lesson plans, in the way their desks are organized, in the way their classrooms are setup, in the way they’re teaching tools are displayed. It’s all so fun and reminds me of my little Barbie days. I also love leaving each of them personalized notes at the end of the day. I make these during the students’ specials time while they’re out for art, music, library, or PE. If I’m honest, one of the biggest reasons I initially wanted to get into teaching was to be able to get all the fancy notepads and pens and to decorate a classroom. It’s all so cute! A girl can dream though. ;)
Working a “9-5” again makes me realize how much less money I spend since I’m not using little shopping trips to Target to fill my time. It also helps me snack less which I also love.
My only two gripes at the moment are 1. I don’t get to go on my daily walks right now because it gets dark too early and Blake doesn’t get home until 8pm every night and 2. I don’t get to read as much as I want. (I have a goal to read 50 books this year, and I’ve read 4 so far!) ohhhhh and…I’m reallyyyyy tired at the end of the day. When I get home I just want to crash. Working on seeing what vitamins I’m needing more of to help me with this. “There is no tired like teacher tired!”
As much as I love this job, it’s also given me clarity that I don’t want to be a full time teacher. I LOVE LOVE LOVE working with different kids each day, and I love the spontaneity each day presents me with in tackling new challenges, new tasks, and new roles. It’s like I never know what to expect, which is truly refreshing for this planner girl’s heart. No day is ever the same. But I also love the flexibility in being able to choose which days I work, where I work, and when I work. I need this in order to be able to continue building The Ever Co in the way that I want to, and I need this in order to continue pursuing other dreams too. Part time work / substitute teaching + tutoring gives me the flexibility I need to make this happen. But it’s also giving me life skills and tools to continue pursuing other dreams too.
Know (and prepare yourself) that you will have both REALLY GOOD days and REALLY HARD days. That’s just the nature of the biz. Accept that, and every day will still be worth it.
If you see a teacher has multiple openings back to back, do yourself and that teacher a favor and select all of those days. Routine is so important for these kiddos (especially any kiddos with disabilities), and change is really hard for them. It’s also nice to know the teacher’s classroom and materials for multiple days!
I generally work now off of teacher referrals or teacher requests. This way I know the teachers I’m gonna work for or it’s at least one of their coworkers who they’ve recommended me for. Since I’m not working full time, this gives me a really nice load and balance of days on and off.
Post a set of “rules” to follow along with your name on the board when you get in. Here’s what I write “I’m Mrs. Hawthorne, or you can call me Ms. H. Here are my rules : 1. Be kind / honest 2. Don’t give up and try your best. 3. Follow your normal teachers’ rules. 4. Level one or whisper, no screaming 5. Most important rule - let’s have fun!
I’ve learned so much in just 14 days of work. SO much about myself, about kids, about our community, about teachers, about administrators, about education. It’s even helped me learn and realize things about my own kids. I’ve learned so much in so little time and it makes me want to cry happy tears.
***an update to the original post***
I know this post shares all of the glitz and glam of the classroom, but I would be remiss not to mention the flip side. Because the fact of the matter is, there are so many teachers hurting, scrambling, pleading for resources, begging for help, praying for funding, and doing their all not to throw in the towel. My husband is the son of two educators (one elementary teacher and one high school teacher / coach) and he’s always said, and i quote “teaching is the most under-appreciated and underpaid profession there is.” I never understood what he meant until I was in the classroom too. There is so much that goes on behind the curtains, and now that it’s been pulled back a bit and I have full access to see…it’s just so much. And I don’t even have to use my planning periods to plan things or go home in the evening to grade papers or respond to parent emails or schedule conferences. There’s genuinely so much that they do, and I am so wildly grateful for it all. It’s why I’ve always been and will always be an advocate for spoiling our teachers every chance we get. … if only everyone could see and understand the complexities and depth of what a day in the life entails … if only. But at the end of the day, this is one of my biggest reasons to step into subbing. To prayerfully give our teachers a break when they need it. All teachers should be authorized a number of mental health days quarterly. I don’t know the policies for that, but they genuinely need a break. I hope to be someone they can trust their babies with, in their absence. As much as I’m doing this for the kids…I’m doing this for my fellow teacher friends too. We try to do so much for our local community through Mission 31, and through this business in general, and I’m loving this season of giving back to my local community through substitute teaching. A place where I can truly see and feel the impact with the youth of future generations.
I will become an Author.
Teaching has further ignited the spark I have to write more. I’ve always wanted to write a children’s book and a “self help book for women” of sorts. I’ve shared this many times online over the years, and those closest to me in my circles on and offline know this, but writing it here makes it feel more concrete.
…I’m gonna make it happen.
Mark my word…by 2026, I will have a children’s book and adult book published or at least very close to being published. *i think i can i think i can i think i can*
I do hope to get more reading certification credentials under me so I have more credibility in the reading world (academically speaking that is), but I also just REALLY want to learn how kids’ brains are wired and what creates reading deficits. Even more so, I want to learn how to help children with special needs or learning disabilities to read in a more effective and more efficient way. I want them to love it. I love books so so so much, and if I can combine my love for reading and writing with my love for kids and their futures…….
well…I think I’ve just spoken my next 10 year plan. A book store on a pumpkin patch or Christmas tree farm anyone? ;)
Click the number and title below to go straight to the link
The Links.
Before I signed offline, I told y’all I’d share some of the links to some of my favorite items I purchased to start this new journey. I’m so HAPPY to report that I use these items everyday and still love them! I’ve repurposed my iridescent planner and it’s now gonna become my teaching scrapbook of sorts as I’m using my other planner more and realized I don’t need two. I’ll share about the teaching scrapbook when I get back online, but for now here are all of the links I said I’d share. As always these are affiliate links, so thank you for shopping them if you choose to do so which in turn supports our business.
Thank you for stopping by, and if there’s anything you found useful here, please feel free to pin any of these images to come back to it at a later time!
Happy January, and I hope you and yours are well!
xx, Amy